Modify WinRE (Patches, Drivers and CVE-2022-41099)

Modify WinRE (Patches, Drivers and CVE-2022-41099)

24.01: V2 is out! It now supports multiple OS languages (independent of them to be precise). Support for GDRDU, DU, LCU and SOS. More will follow in the coming weeks. Please grab the latest version from GitHub. The script below has also been updated. Not bad for a weekend with migraines and sick children šŸ‘€
20.01: Important Update: Microsoft adjusted their documentation to make it more clear which patches need to be applied. The Script will be adjusted to accommodate for the changes. Currently the script only verifies the version of an installed LCU, it doesn’t check for a specific package. I will update the blog and Github probably EOD.

Table of Contents

This page contains the code in its first working form. This has been tested quite a bit. If you find any issues or want to use a more recent version please use the GitHub: MHimken/WinRE-Customization (

I wanted to write a blog about this for quite a while. However, there wasn’t really a way that either wasn’t already documented or something that the average admin would ever want to touch with a 10 foot pole. Now, why would you want to do this?

  • Drivers: If you’re using Autopilot and do an Autopilot reset, you might’ve come across an issue, where Dell forgot to put the Intel RST driver into the WinRE. This prevents you from resetting the device fully, because after booting into WinRE it won’t see the disk and cannot continue. Of course, this applies to any hardware
  • Patches: As pointed out in CVE-2022-41099, you can actually patch the WinRE image.
  • Customization: While I will probably not delve into this too much, yes, you can customize your WinRE just like an OEM would. However, considering how rarely anyone will see that, I don’t think its worth the trouble. There’s also official documentation on this topic. (Maybe if you need to support multiple languages ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ)

With the January 2023 patches Microsoft released a note for all supported Windows 10 and 11 devices to follow the special instructions, which then point to the CVE. This in turn points to this site and gives use two very interesting commands, which even if specifically searched for it return very little results ReAgentC.exe /mountre and more importantly ReAgentC.exe /unmountre. The oldest version of that page I could find was from October 2022 – at least I didn’t know about these. They show up in a couple GitHub pages, without any further information on how to use them though.

Adding Patches

If you actually want to do as suggested in the CVE, all you need to do is download the appropriate MSU for your OS, mount the image, apply the patch and unmount the image. It took me a couple of days to write a script that can perform this and still not break anything. There are several things you need to take care of, before you can actually start anything. Resizing the recovery partition being the most difficult of jobs. The recovery partition for a Windows 11 22H2 will grow from about 530MB to about 800MB. Extending it to 1GB is a good idea, hence that’s the default in the code.

Adding Drivers

Surprisingly, after having written the function to apply patches, applying drivers wasn’t that much of an issue. Mount the drive, use Add-WindowsDriver and done. The new options really simplify this process a lot. In my tests I just took the Dell WinPE drivers, extracted the x64 folder and pointed the script to that. Worked like a charm. Oh, and if you’re wondering: Yes, that includes the dreaded Intel Rapid Storage Technology driver. Sometimes even OEMs forget to add drivers to their custom WinRE. Hopefully this will help you out to fix that, because if they’re missing your Autopilot-Reset will just fail. The list of drivers contained in the Dell WinPE Drivers cab-file can be found here.

The solution – 541 747 lines of sweat (V2 is out!)

The following contains the current (as of now) copy of my code over on GitHub. I tried to make the documentation as understandable as possible. If you have questions, feel free to write me a message over on my socials (top right corner). Thanks again to the very amazing WinAdmins (Discord invite link) community and especially to Homotechsual! Head over to his blog to find out how he used this code to write an auto downloader for the required MSU files around my code:

    Customizes WinRE. This script applies patches and drivers. Will resize recovery partition if required.
    This script was created to automate remediation of CVE-2022-41099, however it can be used to patch and customize WinRE automated as well. 
    If specified the script will verify the size of your recovery partition and resize it if required.
    !!There is an order that has be followed when adding things to _any_ type of Windows Image see !!
    This can only be done in an automated fashion, if:
    a) the disk is formatted as recommended for UEFI (with the recovery partition being at the very end of the disk)
    b) the sysdrive has enough space and no blocking files to shrink it to the required size - this is verified.
.PARAMETER WorkingDirectory
    Adds a working directory, as we have to create some logs and files. Default C:\WinRE-Customization\
.PARAMETER BackupDirectory
    Specify a folder to backup WinRE to. Careful, WinRE backups are not deleted, even after successful (use -DeleteBackups). Default: C:\WinRE-Customization\WinREBackups\
.PARAMETER MountDirectory
    Specify the folder to mount your WinRE to. Default: C:\WinRE-Customization\WinREMount\
.PARAMETER LogDirectory
    Specify a folder to output logs to. Default: C:\WinRE-Customization\Logs
#ToDo Features and Language Packs go here
    Use this to apply the latest cumulative update (LCU) or General Distribution Release Dynamic Update (GDRDU).
    Accepts the path to a folder containing CABs/MSUs or a single CAB/MSU file. Please make sure you provide this script with the matching OS-Version file.
    Attention: SSUs _must_ start with "ssu" to be applied first.
    Attention: To ensure you have enough space left on your recovery partition after patching with an GDRDU/LCU it will check if the minimum of 1GB 
    is configured and otherwise extend the partition (aka recreate).
    Use this to apply the dynamic update (DU) and SOS (Safe OS) updates.
    Accepts the path to a folder containing CABs or a single CAB file. Please make sure you provide this script with the matching OS-Version file(s).
.PARAMETER RecoveryDriveSizeInGB
    Specify the recovery drive size. The recommendation is 1GB. If not specified, will assume that the size is appropiate.
    Attention: It is recommended to set this, it will verify beforce changing.
.PARAMETER FilesDriver
    Specify the path to a folder containing the drivers - needs to have at least one *.inf. You can also specify a single path to an *.inf file.
.PARAMETER DeleteBackups
    Removes all .wim files in -BackupDirectory.
.PARAMETER AbortIfFailed
When applying content this switch will discard all changes automatically while dismounting the image.
This will make the script exit successfully, if the content couldn't be applied(!)
    None, script only accepts parameterised input.
    None, this script doesn't output anything.
    This will create a backup of WinRE, then exit.
    This example will use the current script folders subfolder called "Patches" as resource for MSUs. It will resize the recovery partition to 2GB if necessary.
    Backups are written to C:\WinREBackup\. Temporarily C:\WinREMounted\ will be used as mounting directory.
    Patch-WinRE.ps1 -PatchFilesGDRDUorLCU C:\temp\LCU -RecoveryDriveSizeInGB 2GB -MountDirectory C:\WinREMounted\ -BackupDirectory C:\WinREBackup\
    This will delete all backups created by Patch-WinRE in a custom folder.
    Patch-WinRE.ps1 -BackupDirectory C:\Temp\ -DeleteBackups
    Will perform all three main functions of this script. Create a backup of the WinRE, resize the partition to 1GB, apply patches and add drivers from a folder
    Patch-WinRE.ps1 -PatchFilesGDRDUorLCU C:\temp\LCU -RecoveryDriveSizeInGB 1GB -FilesDriver C:\Temp\Drivers\x64\
    This example will apply all CAB/MSUs from the specified directory and discard changes if any of the patches fail.
    Patch-Winre.ps1 -PatchFilesGDRDUorLCU C:\temp\LCU -AbortIfFailed
    This example will apply all CAB files from the specified directory and discard changes if any of the patches fail.
    Patch-Winre.ps1 -PatchFilesGDRDUorLCU C:\temp\LCU -AbortIfFailed
    Version: 2.2
    Versionname: MUI Version
    Intial creation date: 11.01.2023
    Last change date: 23.01.2023
    Latest changes
    - MUI support added (Major change)
        * Removed all text based verifications and replaced them 
    - Now accepts GDRDU, LCU, SOS and DU as patch inputs (Major change)
        * Merged several functions that did almost the same - added detection methods accordingly
        * Renamed several parameters to reflect function merges
    - Verbose removed for now, needs to be switch to cmdletbind
    - Added "AbortIfFailed"

    [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$WorkingDirectory = 'C:\WinRE-Customization\',
    [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$BackupDirectory = 'C:\WinRE-Customization\WinREBackups\',
    [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$MountDirectory = 'C:\WinRE-Customization\WinREMount\',
    [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$LogDirectory = 'C:\WinRE-Customization\Logs\',
    # Can't use [System.IO.DirectoryInfo] here, as it will not accept a single file.
    $DeleteBackups = $false, #Make really sure you want to do this, hence not a switch
$Script:TimeStampStart = Get-Date
$Script:PathToScript = if ( $PSScriptRoot ) { 
    # Console or VS Code debug/run button/F5 temp console
} else {
    if ( $psISE ) { Split-Path -Path $psISE.CurrentFile.FullPath }
    else {
        if ($profile -match 'VScode') { 
            # VS Code "Run Code Selection" button/F8 in integrated console
            Split-Path $psEditor.GetEditorContext().CurrentFile.Path 
        } else { 
            Write-Output 'unknown directory to set path variable. exiting script.'
if (-not(Test-Path $WorkingDirectory )) { New-Item $WorkingDirectory -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null }
$CurrentLocation = Get-Location
Set-Location $WorkingDirectory
# Setting some variables - you can change these if you know what you're doing
$Script:DateTime = Get-Date -Format ddMMyyyy_hhmmss
if (-not(Test-Path $LogDirectory)) { New-Item $LogDirectory -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null }
$LogPrefix = 'Patch'
$LogFile = Join-Path -Path $LogDirectory -ChildPath ('{0}_{1}.log' -f $LogPrefix, $DateTime)

# Functions
function Write-Log {
        This is a modified version of Ryan Ephgrave's script
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        # Type: 1 = Normal, 2 = Warning (yellow), 3 = Error (red)
        [ValidateSet('1', '2', '3')][int]$Type
    $Time = Get-Date -Format 'HH:mm:ss.ffffff'
    $Date = Get-Date -Format 'MM-dd-yyyy'
    if (-not($Component)) { $Component = 'Runner' }
    if (-not($Type)) { $Type = 1 }
    $LogMessage = "<![LOG[$Message" + "]LOG]!><time=`"$Time`" date=`"$Date`" component=`"$Component`" context=`"`" type=`"$Type`" thread=`"`" file=`"`">"
    $LogMessage | Out-File -Append -Encoding UTF8 -FilePath $LogFile
    if ($Verbose) {
        switch ($Type) {
            1 { Write-Host $Message }
            2 { Write-Warning $Message }
            3 { Write-Error $Message }
            default { Write-Host $Message }
function Get-Stats {
    $Script:ReAgentCCurrentInfo = ReAgentc.exe /info
    $Script:ReAgentCCurrent = $Script:ReAgentCCurrentInfo.split("`n")[4].Substring(31, $Script:ReAgentCCurrentInfo.split("`n")[4].length - 31).trim()
    $Script:BackupWinRESize = 0
    if (Test-Path $BackupDirectory) {
        Get-ChildItem -Path (Join-Path -Path $BackupDirectory -ChildPath '*') -Include *.wim | ForEach-Object { $Script:BackupWinRESize += [math]::round($_.Length / 1GB, 2) }
    if ($Script:ReAgentCCurrent) {
        $Script:CurrentRecoveryPartitionSize = [math]::round((Get-Partition -DiskNumber $($Script:ReAgentCCurrent.split('k'))[1].Substring(0, 1) -PartitionNumber $($Script:ReAgentCCurrent.split('n'))[1].Substring(0, 1)).size / 1GB, 2)
        $Script:CurrentRecoveryPartitionFree = [math]::round((Get-Volume -Partition $((Get-Partition -DiskNumber $($Script:ReAgentCCurrent.split('k'))[1].Substring(0, 1) -PartitionNumber $($Script:ReAgentCCurrent.split('n'))[1].Substring(0, 1)))).SizeRemaining / 1GB, 2)
    } else {
        $Script:CurrentRecoveryPartitionSize = 0
        $Script:CurrentRecoveryPartitionFree = 0
    $Script:EstimatedWinRESize = $Script:CurrentRecoveryPartitionSize - $Script:CurrentRecoveryPartitionFree
    $TimeStampStop = Get-Date
    $RuntimeRaw = $TimeStampStop - $Script:TimeStampStart
    $Script:Runtime = $RuntimeRaw.ToString("hh':'mm':'ss")
function Get-WinREStatus {
    Write-Log -Message 'Retrieving current WinRE status' -Component 'WinREStatus'
    $WinreStatus = reagentc /info
    $RecoveryPartitionStatus = $WinreStatus.split("`n")[3].split(' ')[-1]
    if ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 5) {
        Write-Log -Message 'You did not run the script as admin' -Component 'WinREStatus' -Type 3
        return $false
    switch ($RecoveryPartitionStatus) {
        'Enabled' { Write-Log -Message 'Recovery Agent is enabled' -Component 'WinREStatus'; return $true }
        'Disabled' { Write-Log -Message 'Recovery Agent is disabled' -Component 'WinREStatus'; return $false }
        default { Write-Log -Message 'Recovery Agent status could not be determined' -Component 'WinREStatus'; return $false }
function Disable-WinRE {
    $DisableRE = ReAgentc.exe /disable
    #Regex will check if the message contains an error number. Errors will cause reagentc to throw and not return anything
    #Exitcode 2 = Already disabled
    if ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 2 -or ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0 -and ($DisableRE) -and ($DisableRE[0] -notmatch ".*\d+.*"))) {
        Write-Log -Message 'Disabled WinRE' -Component 'DisableWinRE'
        return $true
    } else {
        Write-Log -Message 'Disabling failed' -Component 'DisableWinRE' -Type 3
        return $false
function Enable-WinRE {
    $EnableRE = ReAgentc.exe /enable
    if (($EnableRE[0] -notmatch ".*\d+.*") -and $LASTEXITCODE -eq 0) {
        Write-Log -Message 'Enabled WinRE' -Component 'EnableWinRE'
        return $true
    } else {
        Write-Log -Message 'Enabling failed' -Component 'EnableWinRE' -Type 3
        return $false
function Mount-WinRE {
    if (-not(Test-Path $MountDirectory)) {
        New-Item $MountDirectory -ItemType Directory
    } else {
        Write-Log -Message 'Directory already exists - verifying its empty' -Component 'MountWinRE'
        $MountDirectoryEmpty = Get-ChildItem $MountDirectory 
        if ($MountDirectoryEmpty) {
            Write-Log -Message "Mount directory isn't empty - exiting" -Component 'MountWinRE' -Type 3
            return $false
    Write-Log -Message 'Mounting WinRE' -Component 'MountWinRE'    
    if ((Get-WindowsImage -Mounted).count -ge 1) {
        Write-Log -Message 'There is at least one other image mounted already' -Component 'MountWinRE' -Type 2
        return $false
    $Mount = ReAgentC.exe /mountre /path $MountDirectory
    if ($Mount) {
        if ($Mount[0] -notmatch ".*\d+.*" -and (Get-WindowsImage -Mounted).count -ge 1 -and $LASTEXITCODE -eq 0) {
            Write-Log -Message 'WinRE successfully mounted using ReAgentC' -Component 'MountWinRE'
            return $true
    } else {
        Write-Log -Message 'Could not mount WinRE image - please consult the log' -Component 'MountWinRE' -Type 3
        Write-Log -Message "$Mount" -Component 'MountWinRE'
        return $false
function Dismount-WinRE {
    $DismountImageLogFile = Join-Path -Path $LogDirectory -ChildPath ('Dismount-WindowsImage_{0}.log' -f $DateTime)
    $DismountWinRECommonParameters = @{
        Path     = $MountDirectory
        LogLevel = 'WarningsInfo'
    $ResetBaseLogFile = Join-Path -Path $LogDirectory -ChildPath ('ResetBase_{0}.log' -f $DateTime)
    Write-Log -Message 'Cleanup before dismount (shrink image to only required size)' -Component 'DismountWinRE'
    dism /image:$MountDirectory /cleanup-image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase /LogPath:$ResetBaseLogFile /loglevel:3
    Write-Log -Message 'Cleanup done, verifying image status' -Component 'DismountWinRE'
    $REMountedStatus = $((Get-WindowsImage -Mounted).MountStatus -eq "Ok")
    if ($REMountedStatus -and -not($Discard)) {
        Write-Log -Message "Mounted WinRE status is $REMountedStatus"
        $UnmountCommit = ReAgentC.exe /unmountre /path $($MountDirectory) /commit
    } else {
        $UnmountCommit = $false
    #ReAgentC responds with an error in case of a failure, not a string. Verify that the var is set
    <#Error collection so far
        -1052638948 or c142011c = Image isn't mounted anymore
    if (-not($UnmountCommit) -or $LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
        Write-Log -Message 'Commiting failed - discarding changes' -Component 'DismountWinRE' -Type 3
        Write-Log -Message "Status of the WinRE during this operation according to Get-WindowsImage was: $((Get-WindowsImage -Mounted).MountStatus)" -Component 'DismountWinRE'
        $UnmountDiscard = ReAgentC.exe /unmountre /path $($MountDirectory) /discard
        if (($UnmountDiscard[0] -match ".*\d+.*") -or $LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
            Write-Log 'Attempting to unmount and discard failed - trying alternative method' -Component 'DismountWinRE' -Type 2
            Dismount-WindowsImage @DismountWinRECommonParameters -LogPath $DismountImageLogFile -Discard
            if ($(Get-WindowsImage -Mounted).count -ge 1) {
                Write-Log -Message 'Unmounting finally failed, please consult the logs' -Component 'DismountWinRE' -Type 3
                return $false
            } else {
                Write-Log 'Alternative unmounting successful, but discarded changes, please consult the logs for more information' -Component 'DismountWinRE' -Type 3
                return $false
        } else {
            Write-Log -Message 'Unmounting done, but discarded changes, please consult the logs' -Component 'DismountWinRE' -Type 3
            return $false
    } elseif ($UnmountCommit[0] -notmatch ".*\d+.*") {
        Write-Log -Message 'WinRE commited changes successfully' -Component 'DismountWinRE'
        Remove-Item $MountDirectory -Force -Recurse
        return $true
function Add-WinREPackage {
    Adds content to WinRE using Add-WindowsPackage. Each content is checked, applied and verified.
    .PARAMETER PackagePath
    Required. Filepath to the content to be applied
    Each switch may have a unique detection method, overlapping methods are merged
        [switch]$FoD #ToDo
    $AddWindowsPackageLogFile = Join-Path -Path $LogDirectory -ChildPath ('Add-WindowsPackage_{0}.log' -f $DateTime)
    # Setup hashtable for common parameters for *-WindowsImage
    $AddPatchCommonParams = @{
        PackagePath = $PackagePath
        Path        = $MountDirectory
        LogPath     = $AddWindowsPackageLogFile
        LogLevel    = 'WarningsInfo'
    Write-Log -Message "Analysing Package $PackagePath" -Component 'AddWinREPackage'
    if ($SSU) {
        $PackagePathBuildNumber = $PackagePath.Fullname.split("-")[1]
        $ApplySSU = (Get-WindowsPackage -Path $MountDirectory | Where-Object { $_.PackageName -like "*ServicingStack*" -and $_.PackageName -like "*$PackagePathBuildNumber*" }).packagestate -eq "Installed"
        if (-not($ApplySSU)) {
            Write-Log -Message 'SSU not found, applying...' -Component 'AddWinREPackage'
            Add-WindowsPackage @AddPatchCommonParams | Out-Null
        } else {
            Write-Log 'This SSU is already applied - skipping'
            return $true
        Write-Log -Message 'SSU applied, verifying' -Component 'AddWinREPackage'
        $SSUApplied = (Get-WindowsPackage -Path $MountDirectory | Where-Object { $_.PackageName -like "*$PackagePathKB*" }).packagestate -eq "Installed"
        if ($SSUApplied) {
            Write-Log -Message 'SSU was successfully installed' -Component 'AddWinREPackage'
            return $true
        } else {
            Write-Log -Message 'SSU was not successfully installed' -Component 'AddWinREPackage' -Type 3
            return $false
    if ($GDRDUorLCU) {
        $CurrentBuildNumber = ((Get-WindowsPackage -Path $MountDirectory | Where-Object { $_.releasetype -eq "Foundation" }).packagename.split("~") | Select-String -SimpleMatch "10.0").ToString().trim().split(".")[3]
        Write-Log -Message "Applying dynamic update or latest cumulative update. Current build number: $CurrentBuildNumber" -Component 'AddWinREPackage'
        Add-WindowsPackage @AddPatchCommonParams | Out-Null
        $NewBuildNumber = ((Get-WindowsPackage -Path $MountDirectory | Where-Object { $_.releasetype -eq "Foundation" }).packagename.split("~") | Select-String -SimpleMatch "10.0").ToString().trim().split(".")[3]
        if (-not($CurrentBuildNumber -lt $NewBuildNumber)) {
            Write-Log -Message 'Build number did not change, not applied' -Component 'AddWinREPackage' -Type 3
            return $false
        } else {
            Write-Log -Message "Build number was raised to: $NewBuildNumber" -Component 'AddWinREPackage'
            return $true

    #ToDo This will probably apply to language packs as well. Adjust once verified
    if ($DynamicUpdateOrSOS) {
        $PackagePathKB = $PackagePath.Fullname.split("-")[1]
        $ApplyPackage = (Get-WindowsPackage -Path $MountDirectory | Where-Object { $_.PackageName -like "*$PackagePathKB*" }).packagestate -eq "Installed"
        if (-not($ApplyPackage)) {
            Write-Log -Message 'Package not found, applying...' -Component 'AddWinREPackage'
            Add-WindowsPackage @AddPatchCommonParams | Out-Null
        } else {
            Write-Log 'This package is already applied - skipping'
            return $true
        Write-Log -Message 'Package applied, verifying' -Component 'AddWinREPackage'
        $PackageApplied = (Get-WindowsPackage -Path $MountDirectory | Where-Object { $_.PackageName -like "*$PackagePathKB*" }).packagestate -eq "Installed"
        if ($PackageApplied) {
            Write-Log -Message 'Package was successfully installed' -Component 'AddWinREPackage'
            return $true
        } else {
            Write-Log -Message 'Package was not successfully installed' -Component 'AddWinREPackage' -Type 3
            return $false
function Backup-WinRE {
    Write-Log -Message 'Creating WinRE Backup - will not be automatically deleted(!)' -Component 'BackupWinRE'
    Write-Log -Message 'This will temporarily disable WinRE' -Component 'BackupWinRE' -Type 2
    if (Get-WinREStatus) {
        if (-not(Disable-WinRE)) {
            Write-Log -Message 'Could not disable WinRE, so we cannot create a backup' -Component 'BackupWinRE' -Type 3
            return $false
        Write-Log -Message 'WinRE not ready to be backed up' -Component 'BackupWinRE' -Type 3
        return $false
    $WinREDefaultLocation = Join-Path -Path $ENV:SystemDrive -ChildPath '\Windows\System32\Recovery\WinRE.wim'
    $BackupFileName = ('WinRE{0}.wim' -f $Script:DateTime)
    if (-not(Test-Path $BackupDirectory)) {
        New-Item $BackupDirectory -ItemType Directory -Force
    } else {
        Write-Log -Message 'Backup folder already exists' -Component 'BackupWinRE'
        Write-Log -Message 'Checking if the current WinRE is already backed' -Component 'BackupWinRE'
        $Backups = Get-ChildItem (Join-Path -Path $BackupDirectory -ChildPath '*') -Include *.wim -Force
        $ToBackupHash = Get-FileHash $WinREDefaultLocation -Algorithm MD5
        if ($Backups.count -ge 1) {
            foreach ($Backup in $Backups) {
                $BackedFile = Get-FileHash $Backup.FullName -Algorithm MD5
                if ($BackedFile.Hash -eq $ToBackupHash.Hash) {
                    Write-Log -Message 'Full backup found' -Component 'BackupWinRE'
                    return $true
        Write-Log -Message 'No Backup of the current available WinRE found - creating backup...' -Component 'BackupWinRE'
    Write-Log -Message "Moving $WinREDefaultLocation to $BackupDirectory and name $BackupFileName" -Component 'BackupWinRE'
    Copy-Item -Path $WinREDefaultLocation -Destination $BackupDirectory -Force -PassThru  | Rename-Item -NewName $BackupFileName
    if (Test-Path (Join-Path -Path $BackupDirectory -ChildPath $BackupFileName)) {
        return $true
    } else {
        return $false
function Resize-RecoveryPartition {    
        $RecoveryDriveNewSize = 1GB
    if ($RecoveryDriveNewSize -lt 1GB) {
        Write-Log -Message 'You can not shrink the recovery beyond the recommended minimum of 1GB' -Component 'ResizeRecoveryPartition' -Type 3
        return $false
    $DriveToShrink = ($env:SystemDrive).Substring(0, 1)
    Write-Log -Message 'Recommended minimum partition size is 1GB for WinRE - this depends on the level of customization. If anything fails, please adjust the script' -Component 'ResizeRecoveryPartition'
    $Partitions = Get-Partition
    Write-Log -Message 'Finding the "Recovery" partition. If this is named differently than this default value, you need to adjust the script' -Component 'ResizeRecoveryPartition'
    foreach ($Partition in $Partitions) {
        if ($Partition.Type -eq 'Recovery') {
            $RecoveryPartition = $Partition
    if (-not($RecoveryPartition)) {
        Write-Log -Message 'No recovery partition detected' -Component 'ResizeRecoveryPartition' -Type 3
        return $false
    if ($RecoveryPartition.Size -ge $RecoveryDriveNewSize) {
        Write-Log -Message 'The recovery partition is already of adequate size' -Component 'ResizeRecoveryPartition'
        return $true
    } else {
        $WinREStatus = Get-WinREStatus
        if ($WinREStatus) {
            if (Disable-WinRE) {
                Write-Log -Message 'ReagentC successfully disabled for resizing' -Component 'ResizeRecoveryPartition'
            } else {
                Write-Log -Message 'ReagentC could not be disabled - please make sure you are running this script as admin' -Component 'ResizeRecoveryPartition' -Type 3
                return $false
        } elseif (-not($WinREStatus)) {
            Write-Log -Message 'WinRE is already disabled' -Component 'ResizeRecoveryPartition'
        } else {
            Write-Log -Message 'WinRE status could not be determined - are you running as admin?' -Component 'ResizeRecoveryPartition' -Type 3
            return $false
        Write-Log -Message "Verify that the $DriveToShrink`: has adequate size left to shrink" -Component 'ResizeRecoveryPartition'
        $WindowsPartitionCurrentSize = Get-Volume -DriveLetter $DriveToShrink
        if ($WindowsPartitionCurrentSize.SizeRemaining -ge $RecoveryDriveNewSize) {
            $WindowsPartitionSize = Get-PartitionSupportedSize -DriveLetter $DriveToShrink
            # Shrink source disk size
            $ShrinkSizeCheck = ($WindowsPartitionSize.SizeMax - $WindowsPartitionSize.SizeMin) -ge ($RecoveryDriveNewSize - $RecoveryPartition.Size)
            if ($ShrinkSizeCheck) {
                if (-not(Get-WinREStatus)) {
                    $DisableReAgentC = (Get-Volume -Partition $RecoveryPartition).SizeRemaining
                    if ($DisableReAgentC -le 100MB) {
                        Write-Log -Message 'Disabling ReAgentC failed' -Component 'ResizeRecoveryPartition' -Type 3
                        return $false
                    Write-Log -Message 'Shrinking C: and re-creating recovery partition' -Component 'ResizeRecoveryPartition'
                    Remove-Partition $RecoveryPartition.DiskNumber $RecoveryPartition.PartitionNumber -Confirm:$false
                    $NewSystemDriveSize = $WindowsPartitionSize.SizeMax - $RecoveryDriveNewSize + $RecoveryPartition.Size
                    Resize-Partition -DriveLetter $DriveToShrink -Size $NewSystemDriveSize
                    # Unfortunately Set-Partition has no -Attributes parameter, so we need to use diskpart.
                    $Diskpart = @"
select disk $((Get-Partition -DriveLetter $DriveToShrink).DiskNumber)
create partition primary`
format quick fs=ntfs label='Recovery'`
gpt attributes=0x8000000000000001
                    if (Test-Path -Path '.\diskpart.txt') { Get-Item -Path '.\diskpart.txt' | Remove-Item -Force }
                    if (Test-Path -Path '.\diskpart.log') { Get-Item -Path '.\diskpart.log' | Remove-Item -Force }
                    Add-Content -Path '.\diskpart.txt' -Value $Diskpart
                    diskpart /s '.\diskpart.txt' > '.\diskpart.log'
                    Move-Item -Path '.\diskpart.log' -Destination $LogDirectory -Force
                    #$DiskpartStatus = (Get-Content -Path $(Join-Path -Path $LogDirectory -ChildPath 'diskpart.log') -Raw) -like '*DiskPart successfully assigned the attributes to the selected GPT partition.*'
                    $DiskpartStatus = (Get-Volume -Partition (Get-Partition -DiskNumber $RecoveryPartition.DiskNumber -PartitionNumber $RecoveryPartition.PartitionNumber)).OperationalStatus -eq "OK"
                    Get-Item '.\diskpart.txt' | Remove-Item -Force
                    Write-Log -Message 'Created Recovery Partition' -Component 'ResizeRecoveryPartition'
                    if ($DiskpartStatus) {
                        Write-Log -Message 'Recovery partition recreated. Define recovery partition using GPTType' -Component 'ResizeRecoveryPartition'
                        Set-Partition -DiskNumber $RecoveryPartition.DiskNumber -PartitionNumber $RecoveryPartition.PartitionNumber -GptType '{de94bba4-06d1-4d40-a16a-bfd50179d6ac}'
                        Write-Log -Message 'Recovery partition defined. Enabling ReAgentC' -Component 'ResizeRecoveryPartition'
                        if (-not(Enable-WinRE)) {
                            Write-Log -Message 'WinRE could not be enabled please consult the logs. Its likely you need to recreate the partition manually' -Component 'ResizeRecoveryPartition' -Type 3
                            return $false
                        } else {
                            Write-Log -Message 'Successfully re-enabled ReAgentC' -Component 'ResizeRecoveryPartition'
                            return $true
                    } else {
                        $LogMessage = "The system drive could not be shrunk to the requested size of $($RecoveryDriveNewSize/1024/1024/1024) GB - Please consult the application event log"
                        Write-Log -Message "$LogMessage `n  $((Get-EventLog -LogName Application -Newest 1 -Source Microsoft-Windows-Defrag -EntryType Information).Message)" -Component 'ResizeRecoveryPartition' -Type 3
                        Write-Log -Message 'The re-sizing could not be performed' -Component 'ResizeRecoveryPartition' -Type 2
                        return $false
                } else {
                    Write-Log -Message 'The WinRE.wim seems to be missing. Please make sure C:\Windows\System32\Recovery\Winre.wim exists and is accessible. You can get this file from a matching Windows install.wim' -Component 'ResizeRecoveryPartition' -Type 3
                    Write-Log -Message 'No changes performed to partition, re-enable WinRE' -Component 'ResizeRecoveryPartition'                    
                    if (-not(Enable-WinRE)) {
                        Write-Log -Message 'Could not re-enable WinRE' -Component 'ResizeRecoveryPartition' -Type 3
                    return $false
        } else {
            Write-Log -Message "Free space left is $($WindowsPartitionCurrentSize.SizeRemaining), please make some room first" -Component 'ResizeRecoveryPartition' -Type 3
            return $false
function Add-DriverToWinRE {
    Write-Log -Message 'Adding driver(s) to WinRE image' -Component 'AddDriversToWinRE'
    Write-Log -Message 'Mounting Winre' -Component 'AddDriversToWinRE'
    $AddDriverLogFile = Join-Path -Path $LogDirectory -ChildPath ('Add-WindowsDriver_{0}.log' -f $DateTime)
    $AddDriverCommonParams = @{
        Path     = $MountDirectory
        LogPath  = $AddDriverLogFile
        LogLevel = 'WarningsInfo'

    Write-Log -Message 'Mounting WinRE to add drivers' -Component 'PatchWinRE'
    if (-not(Mount-WinRE)) {
        Write-Log -Message 'WinRE could not be mounted to apply drivers ' -Component 'PatchWinRE' -Type 3
        return $false
    if ($Drivers) {
        Write-Log -Message "Adding drivers from folder $Drivers" -Component 'PatchWinRE'
        Add-WindowsDriver -Driver $Drivers -Recurse @AddDriverCommonParams
    } elseif ($SingleDriver) {
        Write-Log -Message "Adding driver $SingleDriver" -Component 'PatchWinRE'
        Add-WindowsDriver -Driver $SingleDriver @AddDriverCommonParams
    Write-Log -Message 'Added drivers, trying to unmount and apply' -Component 'PatchWinRE'
    if (-not(Dismount-WinRE)) {
        Write-Log -Message 'Commiting drivers failed, please consult the logs' -Component 'PatchWinRE' -Type 3
        return $false
    Write-Log -Message 'Successfully applied drivers' -Component 'PatchWinRE'
    return $true
function Add-PatchesToWinRE {
    Write-Log -Message 'Preparing patches to WinRE' -Component 'AddPatchesToWinRE' -Type 2
    if (-not(Get-WinREStatus)) {
        Write-Log -Message 'WinRE is not enabled currently - trying to enable WinRE' -Component 'AddPatchesToWinRE' -Type 2
        if (-not(Enable-WinRE)) {
            Write-Log -Message "WinRE couldn't be enabled" -Component 'AddPatchesToWinRE' -Type 3
            return $false
    if ($GDRDUorLCU) {
        $CurrentWinREPath = "\\?" + (ReAgentc.exe /info | Select-String -SimpleMatch "\\?\GLOBALROOT\device").ToString().split("?")[1] + "\WinRE.wim"
        $CurrenWinREBuild = (Get-WindowsImage -ImagePath $CurrentWinREPath -Index 1).SPBuild
        Write-Log -Message "Current Patchversion of mounted WinRE: $CurrenWinREBuild"
        $Windows10 = ([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Build -ge 19042 -and [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Build -lt 22000) 
        if ($Windows10 -and -not($SSU)) {
            Write-Log -Message "Windows 10 machine detected: Please be aware, that this script doesn't check if the SSU has been applied to the WinRE before patching. Rename the SSU to start with '1_'. You will want to check for KB5014032" -Component 'PatchWinRE' -Type 2
        $SSU = $Files | Where-Object { $_.Name -like 'ssu*' }
    if ($SingleFile) {
        $Files = $SingleFile
    Write-Log -Message 'Preparing WinRE' -Component 'AddPatchesToWinRE'
    if (-not(Mount-WinRE)) {
        Write-Log -Message "WinRE couldn't be mounted - please verify the logs" -Component 'AddPatchesToWinRE' -Type 3
        return $false
    Write-Log -Message 'WinRE mounted successful' -Component 'AddPatchesToWinRE'
    [System.Collections.ArrayList]$PatchError = @()
    if ($SSU) {
        Write-Log -Message 'SSU detected in folder/file - applying SSU to WinRE' -Component 'AddPatchesToWinRE'
        $PatchError.add((Add-WinREPackage -PackagePath $($SSU.FullName) -SSU))
    Write-Log -Message 'Applying Patches to WinRE' -Component 'AddPatchesToWinRE'
    if ($GDRDUorLCU) {
        foreach ($Patch in $Files) {
            if ($ -notlike "ssu*") {
                $PatchError.add((Add-WinREPackage -PackagePath $([System.IO.FileInfo]$Patch.FullName) -GDRDUorLCU))
    if ($DUorSOS) {
        foreach ($Patch in $Files) {
            $PatchError.add((Add-WinREPackage -PackagePath $([System.IO.FileInfo]$Patch.FullName) -DynamicUpdateOrSOS))
    if (($PatchError | Where-Object { $_ -ne $true }).count -ge 1) {
        Write-Log -Message 'Some patches could not be applied - please check the log!' -Component 'AddPatchesToWinRE' -Type 3
        if ($AbortIfFailed) {
            Write-Log -Message 'Discard changes, because AbortIfFailed is set' -Component 'AddPatchesToWinRE' -Type 3
            Dismount-WinRE -Discard
            return $false
    Write-Log -Message 'Finished applying patches, attempting to cleanup, dismount and commit' -Component 'AddPatchesToWinRE'
    if (-not(Dismount-WinRE)) {
        Write-Log 'WinRE could not be dismounted, changes have been discarded' -Component 'AddPatchesToWinRE' -Type 3
        return $false
    if ($GDRDUorLCU) {
        $NewWinREPath = "\\?" + (ReAgentc.exe /info | Select-String -SimpleMatch "\\?\GLOBALROOT\device").ToString().split("?")[1] + "\WinRE.wim"
        $NewWinREBuild = (Get-WindowsImage -ImagePath $NewWinREPath -Index 1).SPBuild
        Write-Log -Message "Current Patchversion of mounted WinRE: $NewWinREBuild"
    Write-Log -Message 'Applying finished' -Component 'AddPatchesToWinRE'
    return $true

# Start Coding!
Write-Log -Message "Patch-WinRE started at $(Get-Date)" -Component 'WinREPatchCore'
Write-Log -Message 'Creating backup first' -Component 'WinREPatchCore'
if (-not(Backup-WinRE)) {
    Write-Log -Message 'Could not create WinRE Backup - the file might be missing. Please extract it from install media (via install.wim)' -Component 'WinREPatchCore' -Type 3
    Exit 1
if ($RecoveryDriveSizeInGB) {
    Write-Log -Message "Verify that the recovery partition has the appropiate size of $($RecoveryDriveSizeInGB/1GB) GB" -Component 'WinREPatchCore'
    if (-not(Resize-RecoveryPartition -RecoveryDriveNewSize $RecoveryDriveSizeInGB)) {
        Write-Log -Message "Something went wrong with the recovery partition - please check the log $LogFile" -Component 'WinREPatchCore' -Type 3
        Exit 1
if ($FoDDirectory) {
    Write-Log -Message 'Not yet implemented' -Component 'WinREPatchCore' -Type 2
    return $false
if ($FilesDriver) {
    if (Test-Path -Path $FilesDriver) {
        if ((Get-ItemProperty $FilesDriver).Attributes -eq 'Directory') {
            if (-not(Add-DriverToWinRE -Drivers $FilesDriver)) {
                Write-Log -Message 'Something went wrong while applying drivers, please consult the logs' -Component 'WinREPatchCore' -Type 3
                Exit 1
        } elseif ($FilesDriver -like '*.inf') {
            if (-not(Add-DriverToWinRE -SingleDriver $FilesDriver)) {
                Write-Log -Message 'Something went wrong while applying the driver, please consult the logs' -Component 'WinREPatchCore' -Type 3
                Exit 1
        } else {
            Write-Log -Message 'No directory or path does not end in *.inf' -Component 'WinREPatchCore' -Type 3
            Exit 1
    } else {
        Write-Log -Message 'Directory/file does not exist' -Component 'WinREPatchCore' -Type 3
        Exit 1

if ($PatchFilesGDRDUorLCU) {
    Write-Log -Message 'Applying Generel Release Distribution Dynamic Updates or Latest Cumulative Updates' -Component 'WinREPatchCore'
    if (-not($RecoveryDriveSizeInGB)) {
        Write-Log -Message 'No recovery drive size specified, using defaults to verify and if required change size' -Component 'WinREPatchCore' -Type 2
        Write-Log -Message "Verifying recovery partition size is at least set to the default: $(Resize-RecoveryPartition)" -Component 'WinREPatchCore'
    if (Test-Path -Path $PatchFilesGDRDUorLCU) {
        if ((Get-ItemProperty $PatchFilesGDRDUorLCU).Attributes -eq 'Directory') {
            $MSUFiles = (Get-ChildItem $PatchFilesGDRDUorLCU -Filter *.msu -Force)
            $CABFiles = (Get-ChildItem $PatchFilesGDRDUorLCU -Filter *.cab -Force)
            if ($CABFiles -and $MSUFiles) {
                Write-Log -Message 'MSU and CAB files detected - make sure they do not interfere (GDRDU _or_ LCU, not both)' -Type 2
            } elseif ($CABFiles) {
                $AddPatches = $CABFiles
            } else {
                $AddPatches = $MSUFiles
            if (-not(Add-PatchesToWinRE -Files $AddPatches -GDRDUorLCU)) {
                Write-Log -Message 'Something went wrong while applying patches, please consult the logs' -Component 'WinREPatchCore' -Type 3
                Exit 1
        } elseif ($PatchFilesGDRDUorLCU -like '*.cab' -or $PatchFilesGDRDUorLCU -like '*.msu') {
            if (-not(Add-PatchesToWinRE -SingleFile $PatchFilesGDRDUorLCU -GDRDUorLCU)) {
                Write-Log -Message 'Something went wrong while applying patches, please consult the logs' -Component 'WinREPatchCore' -Type 3
                Exit 1
        } else {
            Write-Log -Message 'Directory/file not found or no files ending in *.cab in directory.' -Component 'WinREPatchCore' -Type 3
            Exit 1
    } else {
        Write-Log -Message 'Patch directory/file does not exist at provided path' -Component 'WinREPatchCore' -Type 2
} else {
    Write-Log -Message 'No patch directory/file specified' -Component 'WinREPatchCore' -Type 2
if ($PatchFilesDUorSOS) {
    Write-Log -Message 'Applying SafeOS or Dynamic Updates' -Component 'WinREPatchCore'
    if (Test-Path -Path $PatchFilesDUorSOS) {
        if ((Get-ItemProperty $PatchFilesDUorSOS).Attributes -eq 'Directory') {
            $CABFiles = (Get-ChildItem $PatchFilesDUorSOS -Filter *.cab -Force)
            if (-not(Add-PatchesToWinRE -Files $CABFiles -DUorSOS)) {
                Write-Log -Message 'Something went wrong while applying patches, please consult the logs' -Component 'WinREPatchCore' -Type 3
                Exit 1
        } elseif ($PatchFilesDUorSOS -like '*.cab') {
            if (-not(Add-PatchesToWinRE -SingleFile $PatchFilesDUorSOS -DUorSOS)) {
                Write-Log -Message 'Something went wrong while applying patches, please consult the logs' -Component 'WinREPatchCore' -Type 3
                Exit 1
        } else {
            Write-Log -Message 'Directory/file not found or no files ending in *.cab in directory.' -Component 'WinREPatchCore' -Type 3
            Exit 1
    } else {
        Write-Log -Message 'Patch directory/file does not exist at provided path' -Component 'WinREPatchCore' -Type 2
} else {
    Write-Log -Message 'No patch directory/file specified' -Component 'WinREPatchCore' -Type 2

if ($DeleteBackups) {
    if ($BackupDirectory) {
        Write-Log -Message "Deleting all backups of WinRE wims in $BackupDirectory"
        Get-ChildItem $(Join-Path -Path $BackupDirectory -ChildPath '*') -Include *.wim -Force | ForEach-Object { if ($_) { Remove-Item -Path $_.FullName -Force } }
    } else {
        Write-Log -Message "Can't delete backups if no folder is specified" -Component 'WinREPatchCore' -Type 2
if (-not(Get-WinREStatus)) {
    Write-Log -Message 'Found that WinRE was still disabled - trying to enable it' -Component 'WinREPatchCore'
    if (-not(Enable-WinRE)) {
        Write-Log -Message 'Something went wrong while enabling WinRE, please consult the logs' -Component 'WinREPatchCore' -Type 3
Write-Log -Message 'Customization finished, creating statistics' -Component 'WinREPatchCore'
Write-Log -Message "Original WinRE size before patching: $Script:BackupWinRESize
    RecoveryPartitionSize: $Script:CurrentRecoveryPartitionSize GB
    RecoveryPartitionFree: $Script:CurrentRecoveryPartitionFree GB
    EstimatedWinRESize: $Script:EstimatedWinRESize GB
    Script runtime: $Script:Runtime`n 
    More information can be found at 
    C:\Windows\Logs\Dism\Dism.log" -Component 'WinREPatchCore'
Write-Log -Message 'Nothing left to process' -Component 'WinREPatchCore'
Write-Log -Message 'Thanks for using Patch-WinRE' -Component 'WinREPatchCore'
Set-Location $CurrentLocation
Exit 0