Creating a Firewall rule through MEM is broken right now
Update as of 11th of July: I can confirm this has been resolved. New rules do not have preset settings anymore and its possible to create rules without issues. Thanks …
Update as of 11th of July: I can confirm this has been resolved. New rules do not have preset settings anymore and its possible to create rules without issues. Thanks …
First of all some stats: I stood up my Domain Controller on Fri Sep 13 2013 22:53:26 UTC+0200 (Central European Summer Time). It is a 2012R2 Essentials at first, now …
Recently I discovered an error that I had not seen before with a ccmsetup.log. As long as Articulate 360 was installed it was impossible to install CCM. The software is …
While its not as bad as my last issue with the _same_ error code, the thumbnail picture is still justified here. There’re already some blogs about this error showing up …
Whew – not only has it been quite a while since I wrote something, but this issue even took a Microsoft Premier Support case to solve. If you’re following me …
I am working at a customer that exclusively uses Lenovo for all their devices (from notebooks to desktops). Recently I stumbled on a request which is all to common these …
Während des Lockdowns oder der “Ausgangssperre” berichten mir einige Kunden, Kollegen und Freunde, dass das “daheim bleiben” so gar nichts für sie ist. Sie fühlen sich demotiviert und verfallen schnell(er) …
UPDATE 2024: Use the Readiness Toolkit to assess application compatibility for Microsoft 365 Apps – Deploy Office | Microsoft Learn The tool will be deprecated in March 2024. So you …
Ein offener Brief an die Stadt Koblenz Sehr geehrter Stadtrat Koblenz, Sie sind aktuell die Instanz die am morgigen Tag, Freitag dem 13.12.19 (!) über die Beschlussvorlage BV/0871/2019, verfasst durch …